Minke Whale
The smallest of the baleen category is the Minke Whale. They aren’t likely to be more than 30 feet long or to weigh more than 7 tons.
The smallest of the baleen category is the Minke Whale. They aren’t likely to be more than 30 feet long or to weigh more than 7 tons.
The Blue Whale belongs to the baleen category. Blue Whales are very large whales that can measure up to 108 feet and weight about 190 tons.
The Gray Whale is one that people seem to be able to identify when they are looking into the ocean. They have some characteristics that make them quite familiar in various ways.
Facts and questions about whales. How much does a Blue Whale weigh?
How much does a Blue Whale weigh? Read More »
The Humpback Whale is one of the most recognized of them all due to the hump over the dorsal fin.