Where do Humpback Whales Live?
Facts and questions about whales. Where do Humpback Whales Live?
Where do Humpback Whales Live? Read More »
Facts and questions about whales. Where do Humpback Whales Live?
Where do Humpback Whales Live? Read More »
Facts and questions about whales. Why are Humpback Whales Endangered?
Why are Humpback Whales Endangered? Read More »
Facts and questions about whales. Why do Whales Migrate?
Why do Whales Migrate? Read More »
Facts and questions about whales. Why do Whales Sing?
Why do Whales Sing? Read More »
Whales have fascinated us for a very long time, and you may have studied about them with the basics or in depth.
It does seem ironic that whales have no natural predators, yet they continue to be endangered. Sadly, this is due to man and the issues that we have created for them.
The smallest of the baleen category is the Minke Whale. They aren’t likely to be more than 30 feet long or to weigh more than 7 tons.
One type of toothed whale is the Narwhal Whale. It fits in about the mid range when it comes to sizes of whales.
Pilot Whales are dark black in color most of the time. Some of them are a dark gray. There are two species of the Pilot whale, but it is often very hard to tell them apart.
There is no denying the sheer size of the Right Whale. They can weigh up to 100 tons as well as be up to 60 feet long.